“Third Places” – Lucky Bills and WeStrong

Lucky Bills Jersey City

Lucky Bills

Lucky Bills is a popular coffee shop where you can get coffee, a buttered roll or bagel and a warm greeting. It has been a mainstay on this part of Kennedy Boulevard for decades. One customer said she’s been going there for 50 years and still remembers the original owner, Roberto, who she described as an “Italian” man. Today it is owned by an Asian Indian couple: Jessica works the counter with her husband who also handles the register. They are helped by Victor on the register who also makes coffee and sandwiches along with stocking the store. Lucky Bills has a diverse group of regular customers ranging from Latino, Asian and Middle Eastern to Black and White. They come from every walk of life: doctors, lawyers, construction workers, hairdressers and students. Some come in for the coffee: 75 cents for small and $1.25 for large. Some come for bagels, muffins or a sandwich. Others drop in for the lottery, a newspaper or roll of paper towels.

Lucky Bills JC
Lucky Bills is one of many convenience stores you can find on many a corners in Jersey City.

Many customers greet Jessica and Victor by name before placing their order. Alternatively, Jessica or Victor will greet their customers by name while preparing their orders which they already know. It is common to hear: “How is your son, I haven’t seen him in a while?” “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, you still working on Westside?” “If you see so and so tell her I was asking about her.” Lucky Bills is a place where people come in for a quart of milk and stay for 15 minutes chit chatting.


We Strong
WeStrong gym is more than a place for a good workout.

WeStrong is more than a gym, it’s a community. It’s clear from the gym’s website that Omar, the owner, works hard to make members feel part of a community. As one member said: “It’s an atmosphere where everyone helps each other out, where everybody supports each other.” Another said: “I love WS. It’s a small gym with a huge heart, great energy, top flight workouts, and an awesome vibe. I wouldn’t go anywhere else. ”As this member suggests, the main goal of the gym, fitness, is still adhered to, but in a supportive way. This is echoed by another member: “WeStrong is more than a gym, it is fun and it is family. That doesn’t mean it won’t challenge you at every level of fitness – it does.” Sometimes connections made at the gym extend beyond it with attendance at holiday parties, weddings and tri-state athletic events.

WeStrong Strength and Conditioning
The strong feelings many members have for WeStrong is a good example of “place attachment” – an emotional connection people have with a place.

Lucky Bills and WeStrong are what the urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg calls “Third Places” – places outside of home and work where we connect with others and form communities. They are places where people, from various backgrounds, can relax and converse with others in a lighthearted way without fear of being judged. They include coffee shops, cafes, churches, bars, pubs and restaurants, barber and beauty shops, gyms, senior centers, libraries, bookstores, parks and a host of other places outside of home and work where people interact in a mutually supportive way. Are there places like these in Jersey City where you have similar experiences? If so, comment below.

Third Places provide an outlet for people to escape the stress of daily life and connect with others in a casual, easygoing way.

Third places are where casual conversation is the main activity laced with humor based on light hearted teasing. They are one of the small pleasures in life that get us off to a good start in our day or provide relief at the end of a bad one. They often bring us into contact with others from very different backgrounds opening our minds up to other worlds and points of view. They help create a sense of community among people who otherwise might feel isolated from others.

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4 thoughts on ““Third Places” – Lucky Bills and WeStrong

  1. I like this concept – third places. Never thought of that before. I had the candy store when I was a kid where I drank a vanilla egg cream and had a small bag of potato chips. It felt grown up and comfortable at the same time. Thanks for bringing back that memory.


  2. Great piece, Don. Third Places are the lifeblood of the City and must be sustained. We Strong has been a place of refuge for me, a home away from home. It is one of the few places in Jersey City where I am truly happy and where I learn how to be human. Thank you so much for writing about my beloved “third place.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Anna for the kind words. It was moving to hear how important We Strong has been for you and other members. We will be doing another piece on “third places” soon since there is more to say about them.


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