The Urby: Luxury Housing for Millennials

Note: This is a revised version of a blog that was originally posted on September, 28, 2021. It contains some new information on this building and a video. Jersey City’s Urby, one of the tallest buildings in New Jersey, is a 69 story luxury apartment house down by the waterfront. Completed in 2017, it representsContinue reading “The Urby: Luxury Housing for Millennials”

Waterfront Development & Corbusier

What makes a city a good place to live? Can you design a city in a way that improves the lives of residents? These questions have concerned some of the most famous urban planners and architects in the world. One of them, Le Corbusier, whose real name was Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (1887-1965), was a controversial architectContinue reading “Waterfront Development & Corbusier”